Recent Work

REBL works with clients in the oil & gas, petrochemical, waste incineration, metals, and materials industries. The following are some of the industries and projects that we have worked on, contact us to find out about our expertise in your specific sector.

Refractories QA Inspection

REBL provided refractories quality assurance inspection services during the plant turnaround for the plant sulfur recovery units and various heaters throughout the plant. REBL was a part of the quality assurance team for the major projects group for coker, sulfur and hydrogen reforming projects.

Refractories Engineering Consulting Services

Refractory technical expertise and refractory quality assurance inspection services provided to project field engineers, integrity, QA and RFO (Ready for Operations) groups. REBL also provided on-site QC testing of the pre-qualification and installation samples through its site-based mobile testing laboratory.

Sulfur Plant Shutdown

REBL participated in a sulfur plant shutdown in order to improve the existing design in the reaction furnace, waste heat boiler, incinerators, convectors, and reactors as well as checker wall design in the reaction furnace. Material improvements in design were made.

Refractory Design Work for Refinery

For this refinery, refractory design work involved heaters, entire sulphur plant upgrades, as well as coker calciner modifications. REBL was on-site daily during major plant shutdowns, co-ordinating all quality assurance and inspection work involving refractories, ensuring correct execution of design changes and making evaluations and recommendations for refractory upgrades and refractory maintenance.

Regenerator and Cyclone Replacement

REBL reviewed all design changes and made recommendations for refractory design. The project involved a regenerator and cyclone replacement. A new reactor was installed and new reactor riser line. REBL was involved prior to shut down at vendor shops to provide Quality Assurance and inspection services as well as on-site during installation providing re-design support for any last minute design modifications required for a smooth and successful installation.

REBL attended the entire plant shut down and coordinated implementation of design changes, made refractory evaluations and recommendations for refractory maintenance in all areas of the plant, as well as all quality assurance work involving refractories.