
REBL Refractories Evaluations Laboratory,ULC

REBL is dedicated to providing a comprehensive refractories evaluations service.

P6020828_hp P5080401_hp Pictures-4-14-07-1287_hp PB070453_hp CIMG0327_hp

REBL is a refractories engineering consulting, inspections and testing company providing impartial refractory expertise to the oil and gas, petrochemical, pulp and paper and other processing industries. Over the course of many projects, REBL has developed a strong knowledge of refractory industry standards and best practices, as well as alternative solutions for refractory problems and failures.

By specializing in refractories engineering consulting, refractories inspections, refractories testing and refractories quality assurance, REBL helps refractory end-users make cost-effective and timely decisions when it comes to capital projects and planned or unplanned refractory repairs and maintenance.